Big wins come from focusing on a few, meaningful, measurable goals.


25+ years as a performance driven C-level executive. I’ve successfully managed teams and organizations of all sizes. Along the way I have developed a simple, proven and effective process to develop and achieve lofty goals.


Work with you and your team to align your mission with short-term, clearly articulated objectives and defined outcomes.

Once our objectives are established, I work with you to develop a performance mindset with your team based-on clarity, transparency and accountability.


I charge an upfront fee to establish objectives for you and your team. Once your objectives are set, I work on a monthly retainer to run your review meetings and make myself available to your team for assistance.


Better outcomes, operational efficiencies and improved alignment of the team.






I have developed, lead and mentored high performing teams for over 25 years.

I use a simple, and thoughtful goal management process to achieve results.

This data driven process has led to a track-record of achievement, stronger teams and better business outcomes.

Cloudy to Clarity

I’ll help you get clear by:

Following a simple, proven goal management process.

Support and interpret your progress.

Ask compelling questions.

Stay focused and measure what matters.


I’ll help you maintain a growth mindset by:

Making goals clear.

Making goals inspiring.

Making goals visible.

Measuring progress.

Embracing outcomes. Good or bad.

Clear. Measurable. Visible.

I’ll help you get results by:

Creating an opportunity for learning, with context.

Implementing a simple, transparent tracking tool

Setting a regular cadence for reviewing progress.

Building a culture of high performance.


We’ll follow this simple, proven process to focus on what matters most.

Ready to get started?

Think you might like to work together? There’s no better way than a first date.

We can start with an initial, no charge, 30 - minute chat about your business.

If there’s an insight and a connection, let’s work together to flush out the best way to get started.

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