Success is determined by many small victories. And a few failures.


I started my first real business at 25. It was marketing consulting firm, where quite frankly, I was woefully under-qualified to have hung a shingle. As it turns out, the combination of a growth mindset, curiosity, focus and a touch of naiveté are a pretty great formula for success.

Since that time I have either started, been a c-level executive, and/or consulted to well over 50 organizations. My functional expertise is in marketing but along the way I have owned sales, creative services, product, operations, customer experience, and finance.

My career has been fuelled by curiosity and the pursuit of interesting challenges. This curiosity has given me the opportunity to explore all kinds of industries, work with and mentor some amazing individuals, be part of a few extraordinary teams, build a massive database of business lessons and reap some financial rewards in the process.

Here’s a few guiding principles I’ve developed along the way.

Focus. Focus. Focus.

Speedboats will kill you. Having the discipline to say NO is a key success factor for great leaders. The opportunity cost of doing many things poorly, or a few things half way, is a time suck that destroys momentum, demotivates teams, weakens your position and takes your eye off what really matters. Focus wins the day.

Measure What Matters.

3rd party data, hunches and hypotheses are important ways to set trajectories for your strategy but if you’re not measuring against those baselines you’re not advancing your learnings. Metrics give you learning with context.

Progress Not Perfection.

Rarely are there silver bullets in business. Success comes in progressive waves. The most important thing is to move ideas forward and let the outcome guide your next decision. That means keeping things simple and following a process of think, launch, learn and refine.

Hopefully you’ll find this 3 principles useful as you think about how to grow your business.

If I can be of assistance along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out.


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